About Us

We believe in people

The Foundation of AMAKU

Amaku was founded by Rodrigo and Bhajan. Two different paths which crossed in the mountains Ecuador. In 2016, they met at a yoga ashram on the slopes of the Ilaló volcano. After hearing each other’s stories, they felt the connection to work together to help conserve the forest that Rodrigo had bought shortly before they met. That was just the beginning of what became a dream for both, to manifest an organization of conscious people that can combine their knowledge and will to co-create a better society. In harmony with nature and aligned with the universe and the Great Mystery. It is all about respecting our paths as individuals, sharing laughter and smiles while we transit this beautiful planet.

In silence and devotion, Bhajan and Rodrigo have been walking throughout these years. From East to West, from North to South they have traveled to understand better what AMAKU was all about. They understood that it was not about them, it was about the legacy that can be built for future generations. For that reason, the work with communities and letting them tell their truths is the important message that AMAKU wants to spread around the globe.

AMAKU is grateful to all the people that, on the way to structure this nonprofit organisation, have helped to take steps forward in creating a solid structure so it can become a platform for conscious connections and magic gatherings. Special thanks to Catherine, Swarampol, Greg, Andrea, Francisco for sharing great moments.

All the ups and downs along the way made the spirit of AMAKU to go inward and observe patiently the moment to activate its soul. Now body and soul are ready since Andres, Isabel, Wilson, Nataly, Johnny, Andre, Sebas and others have joined as members or supporters of AMAKU’s objectives.

AMAKU’s new Board of Directors has been the key to start manifesting AMAKU’s vision. Each of its members brings their own wisdom and experiences to put hands, hearts and minds combined into materializing the different projects that are arising in the foundation ecosystem.

The year 2022 started as a blessing for the whole AMAKU team and there is an invitation for all who want to join and be part of the transformation, events, celebrations, retreats, pilgrimages, volunteer programs and the various adventures that are going to be announced, designed and promoted by the AMAKU platform and its social media channels. The time has come to be part of the new paradigm.


Daniel S. Modrow
Rodrigo Jarrin Davila

Our President

Andres Espin

Andres is a construction industry and civil engineering entrepreneur, and active in foreign trade. He specialized in Project Management and Design Thinking at EAE Business School in Madrid, Spain, where he studied new construction materials, trends in carbon footprint reduction, environmental phytoremediation, and reduction of the gap between social and business aspects.

In 2016, this generated a business model for the wood industry through the responsible implementation of forest crops, conservation of primary forests, and research into polycultures with suitable seeds.

The company's vision of helping a vulnerable community, generating a culture of teamwork, empowering personal development and inspiration among project partners through fair distribution of profits and curbing exploitation of endemic resources, is beginning to bear fruit.

Andres Espin, president

Our Treasurer

Wilson Medina

Wilson is an alumnus of the Universidad Central of Ecuador, where he obtained the title of Accountant Public Auditor. After working in various large companies, in 2007 he formed his own company, providing accounting, tax and IT advice.

In his professional life he has advised institutions such as the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador CONAIE, Confederation of Peoples of Kichwa Nationality in Ecuador ECUARUNARI, Indigenous Organizations of the Amazon Basin Coordinator COICA, Association of Waorani Women of the Ecuadorian Amazon AMWAE, and the Agro Artesanal Association Wiñak.

During this time he has emphasised ethics and social responsibility, always seeking to strengthen values to promote a better society.

Wilson Medina, treasurer

Our Legal Counsel

Rodrigo Jarrín

Rodrigo Jarrín is a lawyer who graduated from the Universidad San Francisco de Quito and completed the Adv. LL.M. program at the International Tax Center of Leiden University (Netherlands). He has since been involved in various social projects and businesses such as his brokerage, exporting commodities from Ecuador, and his consulting practice, specializing in tax planning strategies. In 2017 Rodrigo became a lobbyist for the legalization of Medicinal Cannabis in Ecuador.

Rodrigo also has a spiritual side, he is a yoga instructor and studies natural medicine. For this reason, in 2016 he started the AMAKU Foundation, an NGO which has the objective of spreading the knowledge of ancient tribes from all over the world. Rodrigo works with the Higher Chiefs of the Shuar, Waorani, and other indigenous tribes. He was President of the foundation's Board of Directors from 2017 to 2022.

Rodrigo Jarrín, legal counsel